Saturday, April 7, 2012

Lemon Pie

Lemon Pie
1 Ready Made Reduced Fat Graham Cracker Crust
1 (.8 oz) Package Sugar Free Cook and Serve Vanilla Pudding Mix
1 (.3 oz.) Package Sugar Free Lemon Jello
2 Cups Water
1 (8 oz.) Container Fat Free Cool Whip

In a microwave safe bowl, combine the water and pudding mix with a wire whisk. Microwave on high, stirring occasionally until thick (approx. 4-5 minutes). Stir in the Jello and allow to cool slightly. Pour the lemon mixture into the pie shell and refrigerate until firm. Spread the cool
whip on top and serve or return to the refrigerator until ready to serve.
8 servings @ 4PP


Weight Watchers Guacamole
PointsPlus: 1 per serving
Servings: 6
Serving Size: 1/4 cup

1 avocado
1 cup cooked green peas
2 tbsp chopped fresh cilantro
1 tbsp chopped red onion
2 tsp fresh lime juice
1 tbsp chopped jalapeno
1 teaspoon salt salt
1/2 teaspoon black pepper

1/4 cup chopped fresh tomato

1. Mash the avocado and peas together
in a medium bowl. Fold in the rest of the ingredients.
2. Blend all of the ingredients together using an
immersion blender or low setting on a food processor.

Dig deep into your inner resources

Dig Deep for Your Inner
You've got all the
resources you need to overcome weight-loss challenges and achieve your goals;
you just need to know where to look.
Article By: Michelle Fowler

Here's an off-the-wall
metaphor, but bear with us: Imagine how amazing it would feel to be a poor
farmer who suddenly discovers that her meager crops had been planted over a deep
well of oil. What's this got to do with you? Well, it's this same newly
discovered wealth that you will feel once you realize that you have all the
resources, both internal and external, that you need in order to reach your
weight-loss goals. You just might have to dig a little to find them.
Striking it
resource-richYou already know just how valuable your internal and external
resources are to accomplishing your weight-loss goals. Just think about how much
easier it is to follow the Plan when you use internal resources like
determination, patience, creativity, perseverance, ambition, self-restraint, and
motivation; and external resources like your home, your Weight Watchers meeting,
and the gym.
The fact that you joined
Weight Watchers meetings proves that you have a basic belief in your resources
and what they can help you accomplish: losing weight and living a healthy
lifestyle. Otherwise you wouldn't be attending meetings or using eTools. And you
wouldn't have been able to achieve the successes you already have — both on and
off the scale. But have you discovered all the resources that are available to
you? Could you dig deeper to find more?
Find your anchorLet's say
you feel that you lack the focus to lose weight. Maybe you stick to your
weight-loss plans really well during the week, but lose focus and exceed your
weekly PointsPlus® Allowance each weekend. It's important to understand
that you have demonstrated focus before in your life. You've surely read to the
end of a long book or completed a difficult task at work. Now try to remember
the circumstances in which you completed that task before. What were you seeing,
saying and feeling? Remember how it felt to have that inner resource, then try
to apply that same feeling to weight loss. Anchoring, a powerful strategy from
Weight Watchers Tools for Living, can help you remember your focus each
time you feel yourself faltering.
Now that you know you have
that inner resource, use it! The next weekend that you feel you just don't have
the focus to stay on plan, use Anchoring to connect with your inner motivation
and strengthen your resolve.