Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Future's so Bright (from WW CEO)

The Future's So Bright
Article By:

David Kirchhoff, President and CEO of Weight Watchers International, shares his thoughts on what’s coming for Weight Watchers.

As 2010 comes to a close, I want to take a moment to look back to 1963 (can you believe it’s almost 50 years ago?), when Weight Watchers first began as an organization. Since those very first meetings held in Jean Nidetch’s Queens, NY, apartment, the Weight Watchers program has been based on the best nutrition information available at the time. It started with a food plan provided by the New York City Department of Health. Since that time, the program has gone through numerous changes to reflect the constantly evolving understanding of the effects of nutrition and exercise on our bodies and overall health.

Science is a wonderful thing, but something funny happened as the decades passed: The research on (and definition of) good nutrition became highly targeted and specific — as did the news that was released by the media to consumers. In fact, we were bombarded by too many messages: Fat is taboo! No, wait: Carbs are the enemy! Beware of trans fats! Eat more protein! Stay away from meat! It’s all about your glycemic index! Frankly, much of what was reported during the ’80s, ’90s, and early 2000 was contradictory and, ultimately, confusing.

I don’t know about you, but when it comes to losing weight, I don’t want to solve a nutritional Rubik’s Cube. I just want to eat food that tastes great; provides good, healthy fuel for my body; and keeps me satisfied. What’s more, as someone who has lost weight through Weight Watchers, I truly understand that the more hectic life gets, the more critical it becomes to have a simple way to make the right food and exercise choices. Really, is this too much to ask?

The answer, I’m excited to announce, is no. In fact, in late November of this year, we will be launching what I think is our most significant innovation since the POINTS® system hit the scene some 13 years ago. This exciting new program (which will launch in our meetings and on in the United States) aligns perfectly with our tradition of providing you with the latest, most scientifically sound nutrition information. While it is (happily) still based on the POINTS system, it takes Weight Watchers to an entirely new — and outstanding — level.

I’m personally inviting you to join me in late November to learn about our latest program so you can experience your own breakthrough.


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