Friday, July 24, 2009

Can you change your ways?

Do you believe you cannot change? Do you sometimes feel kind of "I'll give another try but I know I failed before?" Well, let me tell you that it happens to all of us at some point until we discover a different way of doing things. It might not be easy at the beginning but it is possible and the key is making your changes a habit and this only happens by repetition. Here are some ideas from an article that Carol Cambo wrote in Weight

"Change isn't always easy, but it is possible. Follow our guidelines to start making improvements in your routine.
We are creatures of habit, but change is possible if you have the desire. Motivation for self-improvement stems from caring about yourself. It's easy if you open up to the idea of change and stay focused on the positive end result. Here are some tips to affect lasting change:

Know yourself.

When people make behavioral changes without identifying their motivations, behaviors are less likely to stick. Think about what you want to change and why. Write it down in the form of an affirmation and frequently say it out loud.

Make a plan.

Outline incremental, achievable goals and build in rewards along the way. Measure your progress. "When it comes to losing weight, one of the most effective methods is self-monitoring," says psychologist and weight-loss researcher Daniel Kirschenbaum, PhD, director of the Center for Behavioral Medicine and Sport Psychology in Chicago. "Systematically observing and recording target behaviors, such as reduced calorie and fat intake and increased daily exercise, helps you stay on course."

Create an environment for success.

If you want to eat better, rid your cupboards of tempting foods and keep healthy snacks on hand. To exercise more, make sure your workout gear is always clean and put it where you can see it. To facilitate self-monitoring, keep a journal and pens readily available.

Swap bad for good.

Our bad habits fill a need. As you break old patterns you still need a way to meet these needs. Identify what the payoff is for the bad behavior and find a positive way to meet it. If you overeat when you're tired or stressed out, try napping, reading or going for a walk instead. If you rely on high-calorie takeout to save time, prepare a healthy meal instead but use paper plates to cut down on cleanup time. Or learn what you can order that won't throw you off track.

Join forces.

Numerous studies have shown that if you partner up with one or more people with similar goals, you'll be more likely to achieve them. Find people to share your experiences with. Look for other opportunities, such as enlisting a friend for regular walks or trips to the gym.

Strategize for relapses.

If you have a plan for how to deal with failure, you'll spend less negative energy on the relapse and be able to get back on track.

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